Tara/leigh Mellitchey

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Support my swim for youth mental health

I'm swimming laps to raise awareness and funds for Youth Live4Life’s mental health education and youth suicide prevention model (Live4Life). 

Live4Life communities deliver Youth Mental Health First Aid training in schools and the wider community, help to lead conversations about mental health that reduce stigma, and promote young leaders as mental health ambassadors. 

Australia's suicide rate is 40% higher in rural over metropolitan areas. Please support my LAP it UP swim challenge - your donation can help to increase mental health knowledge among secondary school students, teachers, parents, carers and community members in rural and regional areas.

Thank you so much!

My Achievements

Self Donated

Shared page

25% raised - a great start!

50% raised - halfway there!

75% raised - on the home stretch!

100% raised - blown it out of the water!

Lap goal - a great start!

Lap goal - halfway mark!

Lap goal - on the home stretch!

Lap goal - achieved!

FREE swim pack!

FREE champion medal!

My Updates


Thursday 24th Oct


Friday 18th Oct

My reason to join the this swim fundraiser

Tuesday 1st Oct
After having a brain injury back in 2019 recovery has been hard. I lost who I was as a person. 

From being a healthy, hard working, sociable 19y/d to a 21y/o who battles with fatigue, noise hypersensitivity, anxiety and pain. Recovery was hard, I was angry, I was demotivated, I felt helpless. 

I always loved swimming and really got back into it during my recovery. 
The more I trained the faster and further I would swim. 
3 years later I am a better swimmer than I ever was even without my brain injury. 
I’ve made incredible friendships through swimming and it’s helped me push through the hard times. 

Swimming takes a lot of discipline and dedication, waking up early on a winter morning, training in the rain, being sore and tired but continuing anyway because I had a goal. 

I didn’t give up when I was in the pool and that mentality bleed into other areas of my life. 

I will never give up anymore! .

Thank you to my Sponsors


Chloe Mellitchey

You are the strongest person I know and my inspiration everyday.. I love you !


Craig Mellitchey

Start swimming Rugrat


Shania Mitchell

You’re an amazing woman and my biggest inspiration! Keep spreading your love and light on this world. Proud of you everyday. $1 = 1 lap 😚


Ann Mellitchey

Well done Tara-Leigh ❤️ a very good cause.


Josh's Rainbow Eggs

This is a matched donation from Josh's Rainbow Eggs


Gregg Kpw

Great cause Tara, you’ll smash it.



Keep up the amazing work Tara :)


Gavin Beardmore


Sharon Smith

So proud of you



Smash it !!


Josh's Rainbow Eggs

This is a matched donation from Josh's Rainbow Eggs



You’ve got this Tara 💕



you got this tara!!


Norma Mellitchey


Tara-leigh Mellitchey


Tara/leigh Mellitchey



Keep it up Tara!!!🩵
