Rita Giacobello

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Support my swim for youth mental health

I'm swimming laps to raise awareness and funds for Youth Live4Life’s mental health education and youth suicide prevention model (Live4Life). 

Live4Life communities deliver Youth Mental Health First Aid training in schools and the wider community, help to lead conversations about mental health that reduce stigma, and promote young leaders as mental health ambassadors. 

Australia's suicide rate is 40% higher in rural over metropolitan areas. Please support my LAP it UP swim challenge - your donation can help to increase mental health knowledge among secondary school students, teachers, parents, carers and community members in rural and regional areas.

Thank you so much!

My Achievements

Self Donated

Shared page

25% raised - a great start!

50% raised - halfway there!

75% raised - on the home stretch!

100% raised - blown it out of the water!

Lap goal - a great start!

Lap goal - halfway mark!

Lap goal - on the home stretch!

Lap goal - achieved!

FREE swim pack!

FREE champion medal!

My Updates

Day 3

Sunday 6th Oct
A nice quick swim today before seeing some family for lunch. The poop was back again (okay ... turns out it was actually a leaf in the end 😳). The annoying thing from today is that I started itching like crazy (really was me exerting heat because I was sweating and swimming like a maniac. Finally reached 100 laps and I'm ready for more. I hope the pool is prepared for my awesome swimming skills. 

DAY 1!!!!!!!!! - Oct 1

Friday 4th Oct
Sorry for the delay but here is day 1 of my swimming challenge to raise awareness to suicide and mental health in rural areas. Off to a great start - 64 laps! I hope you join me in this journey, and I'll see you at the end!

Day 2 - October 4th

Friday 4th Oct
Day 2 of my swimming challenge and I've already encountered a fear to many swimmers. Or maybe just me 😳🤣.... At the bottom of the pool was a brown small little log. I think you can all guess what it was .... To be honest I wasn't entirely sure it was that 'thing' but I swam breaststroke as fast as my sore little muscles could (if you swim this relaxing stroke, you will know how difficult that was 😂). However, 15 laps are better than none at all and not getting off the couch, so I call today a win. If you are there with me, thanks for reading and keeping up. If you even are there. I hope you are otherwise this is a lonely little blog that feels much like Julie Powell's when she first started her Julie & Julia blogging journey (it's a very good movie, I suggest you watch it). 
Have a great evening and catch you in the next blog. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Antonia Giacobello

Well done, Rita! it's been great watching you swim the laps!


Neal Haslem - Eliza’s Dad

Go Rita! Great work!


Harri And Belinda (harri’s Mum)

Go Ritaaaaaa!!!! I can’t believe how much you’ve done in such a short time! SHRIMPY🦐
