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Support my swim for youth mental health
I'm swimming laps to raise awareness and funds for Youth Live4Life’s mental health education and youth suicide prevention model (Live4Life).Â
Live4Life communities deliver Youth Mental Health First Aid training in schools and the wider community, help to lead conversations about mental health that reduce stigma, and promote young leaders as mental health ambassadors.Â
Australia's suicide rate is 40% higher in rural over metropolitan areas. Please support my LAP it UP swim challenge - your donation can help to increase mental health knowledge among secondary school students, teachers, parents, carers and community members in rural and regional areas.
Thank you so much!
My Achievements
Self Donated
Shared page
25% raised - a great start!
50% raised - halfway there!
75% raised - on the home stretch!
100% raised - blown it out of the water!
Lap goal - a great start!
Lap goal - halfway mark!
Lap goal - on the home stretch!
Lap goal - achieved!
FREE swim pack!
FREE champion medal!
Thank you to my Sponsors
Doug & Yaso .
Awesome commitment and cause, Jess - kia kaha!
Amanda Duggan
Proud of you x
E Williams
so proud of u pook
Concord Music Publishing
This is a matched donation by Concord!
Jack Collins
Legendary work brother
Harry Parr
Nice work dude :)
Yay Jesse!! This is awesome 😊🤿
Legend 🦋
Jordi Boyd
I reckon 500 laps would almost get you back in NZ to say hello - give it a shot? Mad Mahi Jesse!!
Scribe: How many crews you know flow this, not many, if any