Jacinta Waterson

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Ready, Set… Fish! 🐠


For the month of October I’ve decided to join my sister & become a fish to raise funds for a great cause! The LAP it UP swim challenge is to bring awareness for Youth Live4Life’s mental health education and youth suicide prevention. 

Australia's suicide rate are 40% higher in rural over metropolitan areas. Your donation can help to increase mental health knowledge in rural and regional communities.

The smallest amount can make the greatest difference, so any support would be greatly appreciated 💗

Thank you so much!

My Achievements

Self Donated

Shared page

25% raised - a great start!

50% raised - halfway there!

75% raised - on the home stretch!

100% raised - blown it out of the water!

Lap goal - a great start!

Lap goal - halfway mark!

Lap goal - on the home stretch!

Lap goal - achieved!

FREE swim pack!

FREE champion medal!

Thank you to my Sponsors





Still a Dolphin hey? 🐬 ⚽️



You are both amazing


Jacinta Waterson


Marie Dempsey

Good on you 💓


Samantha Bramall

Go Jac,awesome job..


Aunty Ali

Great cause girls…..well done.


Nate Scoffield
