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Support my swim for youth mental health
I'm swimming laps to raise awareness and funds for Youth Live4Life’s mental health education and youth suicide prevention model (Live4Life).
I have been involved in the mental health sector for four years now, with a focus on youth mental health. I have been witness to the detrimental impact that untreated mental illness has on a person, not only in their youth, but ongoing into adulthood.
As someone who has struggled with their own mental health challenges, but untreated and managed, I know firsthand how difficult navigating this world is with poor mental health.
For this reason, I have chosen to complete 500kms over the course of October to create awareness and raise funds for LAP it UP.
Each $100 raised toward my own challenge, will increase the amounts of laps I must do by 10.
Please, if you have a dollar to spare or the ability to share, contribute whatever you can to this worthy cause.
My Achievements
Self Donated
Shared page
25% raised - a great start!
50% raised - halfway there!
75% raised - on the home stretch!
100% raised - blown it out of the water!
Lap goal - a great start!
Lap goal - halfway mark!
Lap goal - on the home stretch!
Lap goal - achieved!
FREE swim pack!
FREE champion medal!