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Support my swim for youth mental health

I'm swimming laps to raise awareness and funds for Youth Live4Life’s mental health education and youth suicide prevention model (Live4Life). 

Live4Life communities deliver Youth Mental Health First Aid training in schools and the wider community, help to lead conversations about mental health that reduce stigma, and promote young leaders as mental health ambassadors. 

Australia's suicide rate is 40% higher in rural over metropolitan areas. Please support my LAP it UP swim challenge - your donation can help to increase mental health knowledge among secondary school students, teachers, parents, carers and community members in rural and regional areas.

Thank you so much!

My Achievements

Self Donated

Shared page

25% raised - a great start!

50% raised - halfway there!

75% raised - on the home stretch!

100% raised - blown it out of the water!

Lap goal - a great start!

Lap goal - halfway mark!

Lap goal - on the home stretch!

Lap goal - achieved!

FREE swim pack!

FREE champion medal!

My Updates

JJ Swims

Monday 30th Sep
As a child, I never had any kind of extra curricular activities nor played any sports. It was simply not a priority and seen more like a distraction from education or academics. 

But I have always been very active, correction extremely active. In fact, I diagnosed myself to have ADHD as an adult. I simply have boundless energy. Even at my current age, I just cannot sit down doing nothing otherwise I'll be bored out of my wits, which is what happened to me as a child. Discouraging sports to someone who has my condition is tantamount to torture. Unfortunately, this is what I endured growing up.

I also realised that I learn things easier than most people. I taught myself how to swim as an adult. Though, this is one of the skills that you really need to learn as a child to be good at it.

I know I will be never be good swimmer. I have very poor technique, but on the bright side, because I waste a lot of energy, it tires me out well, hence swimming becomes a great recovery sport for me. 